Baby Led Weaning Tips

15380647_10154666633381501_2266954660285765886_nWe started baby led weaning almost three months ago and as I feel I have pretty much got to grips with it I thought I would be able to give some tips to anyone thinking about trying it, or to somebody just starting out. Because it is a relatively new idea to a lot of people, there are many different concerns that you could have. You might be panicking about them choking on something you give them or you might be put off by inevitable mess that comes with allowing a 6 month old baby to be let loose on cheesy spaghetti or natural yoghurt. I’m not going to sugar coat it, there are moments my heart has stopped at the size of food that Darcie has in her mouth and it will be messy, so messy. But it is also amazing, and so incredible to cook something that your baby enjoys and to know that they are getting a full range of textures and flavours. Continue reading